Working toward community & connection

our why
Every mom should have access to free basic community support before and after having a baby.
regardless of status, regardless of need
Inside our relentless pursuit of mental health support for moms
Moms manage many things alone, but their mental health shouldn't be one of them. It is our belief that free basic community support should be offered for pregnant and postpartum moms to support their mental health. These connections can lead to happier and healthier moms—a benefit that ripples out to families and the community.
We believe moms shouldn't have to ask for help. Instead, it should be accessible to them regardless of situation or status—a community service that is offered to them free of charge that allows them to connect with other moms in their area and supports their mental health.

Why writing and storytelling?
Motherhood is a monumental change in a woman's life, affecting both her day-to-day life and expectations for the future. Writing helps to put these changes into perspective, especially if that transition was particularly traumatic.
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders affect up to 1 in 5 women worldwide. Writing has been shown to reduce anxiety, help people manage depression and make meaning out of traumatic experiences. And it is a tool in helping moms to understand their brains and how they are feeling, making it easier for constructive, effective communication.